Category: "One Episode In"

One Episode In… Bridgeton

I am one episode in Bridgerton and it’s a bit ‘meh’, guys. Nothing to go crazy over. The last few minutes get the story to the point but the lead up, well, it sort of sucked. To be frankly honest, I felt confused the entire time. Other than the historical inaccuracies (I’ll have to double check that actually but it seems about right) and the modern music in classical form

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One Episode In… WandaVision

I am one episode in of WandaVision and wow! What a complete trip out. I have a feeling that Marvel’s new line of mini series’ are going to be an enormous hit, and WandaVison is a great start. If I am saying this after only one episode, then this whole new world must be worth investing every possible, baby-free moment I can get. It’s all about those last moments on

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One Episode In… Narcos

I’m one episode in of Narcos and this smooth and slick pilot has easily made me keen to continue this binge journey. With 10 episodes in each of the three season, if they are all as interesting as this first episode, I should smash this out in a couple a days. And yes, that’s with a newborn. They do sleep a lot at the start, they say. Narcos takes place

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One Episode In… The Sinner

I’m one episode in The Sinner and boy, are we in for a ride. It took me a while to get to this one; one that has been highly recommended to me multiple times. Nothing beats a good psychological drama with twists and turns, and I have a feeling that’s where this rollercoaster is taking us. The Sinner centres thus far, around Cora (Jessica Biel), a married mother of one,

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One Episode In… Peaky Blinders

I’m one episode in Peaky Blinders and I must admit, I’m impressed. I’m not overwhelmed with information, I’m not bored, but I’m not completely sucked in either. But there is a coolness to this show that has me wanting more after the first episode. From just the first episode, and very little to no background knowledge or research into the series, I gathered that this is about some illegal activity

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One Episode In… When They See Us

I’m one episode in When They See Us, and this is exactly why I didn’t want to start this series. I knew it would make me angry and frustrated. Not because it’s badly put together; it’s barely considered bad. But because the story is told so compellingly that it hits so hard, you have no choice but to become emotionally invested and feel an overwhelming amount of disappointment. Basically the

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One Episode In… The Witcher

I’m one episode in The Witcher and at first, I honestly thought I was going to be so disappointed, but by the end of it, I was excited. Netflix’s The Witcher is said to be based on the books and not the game we’ve grown to love. Though there are plenty of hints of the gaming series, as well. Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) otherwise known as the White Wolf

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One Episode In… Jane The Virgin

I’m one episode in Jane The Virgin and boy, that’s one jam-packed first episode. Think of any emotion you can practically feel in one show, I felt it. Think of almost every genre but horror, and this show, from just one episode, it embodies it. Jane The Virgin follows, well, Jane (Gina Rodriguez), who was convinced by her grandmother at a young age to stay pure until basically, she was

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One Episode In… Chernobyl

I’m one episode in Chernobyl, and I feel like this is going to be a slow burner. Considering I fancy myself a bit of a history buff, and certainly very interested in impactful world events, the disaster in Chernobyl was always one I found fascinating and even a considered must see destination in the future (yes, I know the risks). I’ve never once thought about looking out for movies or

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One Episode In… Atypical

I’m one episode in Atypical, and I’m not completely won over, but I have a feeling that this is going to grow on me. Atypical is the story of Sam (Keir Gilchrist), an autistic young man who has an obsession with the Antarctic and is specifically fascinated by penguins. Episode one, and I assume the rest are the same, goes back and forth between Sam’s appointments with his therapist Julia

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