Not going to lie. I wasn’t expecting much from this Sam Hargrave’s directed and Russo Brothers produced film. I was also worried about Chris Hemsworth being able to do anything else, other than Thor. I was so very much mistaken. This is a heck of a great ‘iso’ movie. Thank you, Netflix. Extraction follows the story of Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth), a fearless man with nothing to lose, as he

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One Episode In… The Witcher

I’m one episode in The Witcher and at first, I honestly thought I was going to be so disappointed, but by the end of it, I was excited. Netflix’s The Witcher is said to be based on the books and not the game we’ve grown to love. Though there are plenty of hints of the gaming series, as well. Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) otherwise known as the White Wolf

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One Episode In… Jane The Virgin

I’m one episode in Jane The Virgin and boy, that’s one jam-packed first episode. Think of any emotion you can practically feel in one show, I felt it. Think of almost every genre but horror, and this show, from just one episode, it embodies it. Jane The Virgin follows, well, Jane (Gina Rodriguez), who was convinced by her grandmother at a young age to stay pure until basically, she was

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I stumbled across American Son under the ‘trending now’ banner on Netflix, and something made me stop to watch the trailer, when usually I just keep scrolling through. Kerry Washington’s character together with a police officer and her husband are in a room going back and forth about her son and his whereabouts. It’s also evident that this is a race related issue. Washington’s performance alone made me stop and

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One Episode In… Chernobyl

I’m one episode in Chernobyl, and I feel like this is going to be a slow burner. Considering I fancy myself a bit of a history buff, and certainly very interested in impactful world events, the disaster in Chernobyl was always one I found fascinating and even a considered must see destination in the future (yes, I know the risks). I’ve never once thought about looking out for movies or

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One Episode In… Atypical

I’m one episode in Atypical, and I’m not completely won over, but I have a feeling that this is going to grow on me. Atypical is the story of Sam (Keir Gilchrist), an autistic young man who has an obsession with the Antarctic and is specifically fascinated by penguins. Episode one, and I assume the rest are the same, goes back and forth between Sam’s appointments with his therapist Julia

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My 2019

There was a meme that went around toward the end of this year stating something along the lines of “the year is almost over, and I just want to say, what the fuck was that?!” I identify with this meme completely and whole-heartedly. I honestly thought this was going to be a banger of a year. But, the voices started… again. I watch a lot of those true crime documentaries

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Here it is. Quentin Tarantino’s 9th and second last film, and old Hollywood is well and truly alive once again, in this star studded piece of work put together by the quirky and unique director and writer. Never expect anything less when it comes to Tarantino. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is likable, but not completely lovable. Hollywood, as it has been known simply as, is based on a

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I had very, very, low level, miniature, expectations going into Disney’s live-action remake of Aladdin. I mean, the reviews hadn’t been all that great. I, as always, kept my mind opened and welcoming. And, thankfully I did. I have no idea what any of these critics are talking about. I thought it was fantastic. However, there’s a fault or two that allows this live-action remake to lose a point. Aladdin

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One Episode In… Mindhunter

I’m one episode in of Mindhunter and I’m just going to use a cliché and say, I’m hooked. Yes, I am one of those white girls from the memes about being excited about new serial killer stuff on Netflix. Mindhunter has literally been on my Netflix list for a good year and I’m so stupid to have waited this long to watch it. I blame all those documentaries that keep

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