Look. I have this strong love-hate relationship with Batman. The last Batman movie I truly loved… heck, the last DC movie I truly loved was the Dark Knight. It was perfect. This Robert Pattinson led version of the masked crusader, equalled it. Almost, topped it. Almost!

The Riddler (Paul Dano) takes full control of this film. Using what he uses best – riddles, to reveal the true corruption of the police force and the Gotham City government. He even goes as far as to make Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) himself question his own family’s legacy by revealing their involvements in said corruptions.

First, I need to make a confession. One I have no shame over. Anyone who has ever touched a Twilight movie, I have disliked. However, just like that, Pattinson has won me over. Not of the Twilight movies; that will never happen. I rather stick a fork in my eye. But, of the way he was able to take on this role with incredible ability, and make me forget about those cringe-fest films. Every time he appeared from the shadows, especially in the train tunnel at the very beginning, it was goosebump worthy. If he didn’t do this role well, I would have continued on my ‘Batman sucks’ campaign.

And then there’s Paul Dano. Boy, does he always play a good mentally challenged psychopath. He is almost typecast for a crazy villain straight out of Arkham Asylum.

I also want to put Zoe Kravitz in her own category because she completely owned Catwoman. She took what we know of Catwomen past and gone, and twisted it enough to make her human, and a badass at the same time, and I applaud her, loudly.

Then folks, let’s remember that Colin Farrell was in this movie. I could not help but think of Joe Pesci, as Farrell embodies a Penguin I don’t believe we have seen before. I really liked this, not so sloppy version of the plump bad guy. But, his execution reminded me of Pesci’s twang and attitude.

But you know who the true heroes in the film are? The cinematographers. The camera angle choices, the lighting perfectionism, the set compositions; like, are you fucking kidding me!? The one scene that keeps replaying in my mind is when the Batman goes to the night club, somewhere in the middle of the film. He cuts off the power and all is dark, and the only light available comes with every shot that is fired from the guns. In the seconds of light that appears, the Batman is fighting off Falcone’s (John Turturro) men, the subheading bad guy of the film. It doesn’t seem like a lot on paper, but it is a visual masterpiece.

Pattinson is in that suit for at least 90% of the film and rightly so. This is detective Batman, which makes for an incredible thriller, and I think I like him the best. I’d love to watch it again, to pick up a few things I know I missed, but this is a fantastic cinema experience. Go team!

And to add: FINALLY, DC!!! You got it right!

Rating: 5/5